Without Maia and Temer, another Political Reform
The political movements in Brasilia remain agitated, since important matters await for deliberation in the Chamber of Deputies as well as in the Senate. The Political Reform, the vote on the fiscal goals of 2017 and 2018 and the creation of the Long Term Rate (TLP) and the new interest rate of the National Bank for Economic Development (BNDES) are the heart of the week, in the absence of President Michel Temer from the country due to his trip to China, from Tuesday 29, to attend the meeting of BRICS, the group that brings together Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. Considering this scenario, Deputy Rodrigo Maia (DEM/RJ), the presidente of the Chamber, takes the office temporarily.
The political movements in Brasilia remain agitated, since important matters await for deliberation in the Chamber of Deputies as well as in the Senate. The Political Reform, the vote on the fiscal goals of 2017 and 2018 and the creation of the Long Term Rate (TLP) and the new interest rate of the National Bank for Economic Development (BNDES) are the heart of the week, in the absence of President Michel Temer from the country due to his trip to China, from Tuesday 29, to attend the meeting of BRICS, the group that brings together Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. Considering this scenario, Deputy Rodrigo Maia (DEM/RJ), the presidente of the Chamber, takes the office temporarily.
The lack of consensus among the deputies, coupled with the absence of Maia in the presidency of the House, make it unlikely that the two proposals considered more controversial of the Political Reform will actually be deliberated this week: the “district” for the 2018 and 2020 elections and the electoral fund stocked with public funds to run election campaigns.
However, other aspects of the Political Reform that were also being discussed and have more political consensus for voting should be voted this week. These are the proposals made by Deputy Shéridan (PMDB/RR), which sets out the performance clause for political parties and the end of coalitions.
We stress that the Chamber will be chaired by Mr André Fufuca (PP/MA), a 28 year-old, who is in his first term in the House, and is inexperienced to command controversial issues. Therefore, the proposals that should be deliberated will be those of greater understanding among parliamentarians, such as the vote on the provisional measure 777/2017 that creates the new interest rate of the National Bank of Economic Development (BNDES), the Long Term Rate (TLP). The project raises the rates of contracts signed with the development bank to values closer to those practiced by the market.
President Temer, this Monday 28th, will hold a ministerial meeting to evaluate the progress of government programs and the initiatives of each branch last year. We emphasize that the government has until Thursday, 31, to forward to Congress the Federal Budget for 2018.
It is also expected this week the demonstrations in the Congress concerning the list of 57 entities to be privatized, released by the government last week. Among these entities are the Casa da Moeda do Brasil (responsible for the issuing of cash), airports and Eletrobrás.
In the Senate, the Political Reform was part of a bill authored by Senator Ronaldo Caiado (DEM/GO), which creates a fund to finance campaigns that would be made available for the purpose of publicizing partisan advertisements and free voting time in Radios and TV commercials. The proposal also provides for the targeting of fines imposed by the Superior Electoral Tribunal (TSE) for parties to complement the electoral budget.
In the Chamber Plenary, we also highlight the decision of MP 783/2017 on the company’s debt forgiveness program – Refis. The text was modified giving discounts ranging from 25% to 90% to 85% to 99% on fines, late fees, legal fees and attorney’s fees. This change would drastically reduce the collection os funds with Refis to R$ 400 million; and the government is working hard to reduce the “losses” in the collection. For this, the economic team will present an alternative text to the party leaders.
Among the committees, we would like to highlight the hearing of the Committee on the Environment and Sustainable Development (CMADS), which will debate COP-22, Marrakesh, and the National Contribution, INDC, made by Brazil under the Paris Agreement, with the presence of the Environment MInister, Sarney Filho; the minister and director of the Department for Environmental Sustainability of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Reinaldo José de Almeida Salgado; and the executive secretary of the Climate Observatory, Carlos Rittl.
In the Senate, in addition to the aforementioned project on Political Reform, there is also the Proposed Amendment to the Constitution which provides for simplified accounts for smaller municipalities (PEC 77/2015) and the Proposed Amendment to the Constitution, which establishes that Members of the Electoral Court may not have had party affiliation in the two years prior to taking office or at the beginning of the term of office (PEC 4/2017).
In the committees, we stress, on Tuesday, the 29th, in the Committee on Economic Affairs (CAE), the hearing of the nominees for the direction of the Central Bank, Paulo Sérgio Neves de Souza and Mauricio Costa de Moura.
Another highlight is the installation in the Social Affairs Committee (CAS) on Wednesday of the Special Subcommittee on Rare Diseases, requested by Senator Waldemir Moka (PMDB/MS).
A session of the National Congress is scheduled for deliberation of presidential vetoes and bills related to the Budget on Tuesday, the 29th. On the same day, the Mixed Budget Commission can vote for the report of Marcos Pestana (PSDB/MG) on the bill that Modifies the fiscal targets of 2017 and 2018 to R $ 159 billion.
Finally, there are meetings of the committees that analyze some of the provisional measures, such as: MP 780/2017, which establishes the Non-Tax Debt Settlement Program (PRD), are scheduled to date; MP 784/2017, which deals with leniency agreements; MP 785/2017, which reformulates the Student Financing Fund (FIES); MP 789/2017, on Financial Compensation for the Exploration of Mineral Resources (Cfem); and MP 790/2017, which expands the search time and requires mining responsibility.
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