Unbridled Brasília
The week promises to be of great repercussions in Brasília, with the expectation of the presentation of a charge against President Michel Temer by the Attorney General of the Republic, Rodrigo Janot.
The week promises to be of great repercussions in Brasília, with the expectation of the presentation of a charge against President Michel Temer by the Attorney General of the Republic, Rodrigo Janot. ALso, the Labor Reform vote in the Constitution, Justice and Citizenship Committee (CCJ) of the Federal Senate; and the repercussions of the conviction of former Minister Antonio Palocci in the Car-Wash operation to 12 years of imprisonment, for the crimes of corruption and money laundering, a sentence given Monday morning, by Judge Sérgio Moro.
Janot’s denunciation to the Federal Supreme Court (STF, in the Portuguese acronym) is based on investigations which started from the plea bargains from JBS executives’ within the Car-Wash operation; where President Temer is being accused of passive corruption.
For us to understand the scenario a little more: the charges against the president are presented to the Supreme Cort, which can only judge its acceptance with the approval of the Chamber of Deputies. After being sent to that House, the prosecution first deals with the Committee on Constitution and Justice and Citizenship (CCJC) before proceeding to the Plenary. If approved by at least 2/3 of the House, it returns to the STF. If the Court accepts the complaint, the President must leave his position for 180 days.
With the absence, last week, of Rodrigo Maia (DEM / RJ) in the presidency of the Chamber, because he replaced Temer – currently outside the country – the Chamber paralyzed its votes. This week is expected to be no diferente, due to the above-mentioned charges against the President.
Regarding the Pension Reform, there is no actual date for its deliberation in the House Plenary. On the bright side, new concessions are being discussed by the Temer Administration to negotiate the deliberation of the matter, such as: the minimum age proposed for women’s retirement, which could be reduced again from the 62 years, established by the proposal negotiated with the Chamber, to 60; and the maintenance of the current retirement scheme for rural workers; in addition to other points that are being studied between the ministers and the basis of the government.
In the Senate, even with the defeat of the government in the Social Affairs Committee (CAS) in a tight vote on the Labor Reform (10 x 9), the CCJ is expected to approve the matter on Wednesday (28) after two hearings concerning the theme that will be held on Tuesday (27th), which has among those invited the Minister Delaide Alves Miranda Arantes of the Superior Labor Court (TST); the Labor judges Marlos Augusto Melek and Rodrigo Dias; the Attorney General of Labor, Ronaldo Curado Fleury; the president of the National Confederation of Industry (CNI), Robson Braga de Andrade; and the president of a very importante Brazilian Workers Union (CUT), Vagner Freitas.
Last Friday, the Senate Ethics Council chairman, Senator João Alberto Souza (PMDB/MA), filed an application for the cassation of Aécio Neves (PSDB/MG), requested by the REDE and PSOL parties after JBS’s pleas. Aecio, however, remains estranged from the House by STF determination, and Minister Gilmar Mendes has been chosen to investigate the senator.
Among the projects scheduled to be analyzed by the Senate Plenary, we highlight the Constitutional Amendment Proposal, which ends with re-election, establishes new rules for the Party Fund (PEC 113A / 2015) and the Proposal for Constitutional Amendment that revokes a provision that establishes that the Legislative Session should not be interrupted until the Budgetary Guidelines Law (LDO) has been approved (PEC 103/2015).
In the committees, in addition to the deliberation of the Labor Reform, we emphasize in the Committee on Economic Affairs (CAE) the Bill of the Senate that determines that the resources coming from the services performed by the National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI) should be reinvested in the Institute itself (PL 62/2017).
Meanwhile, in the Chamber, we highlight in the Plenary the project on measures to prevent and repress contraband (PL 1530/2015) and the project that increases penalties for those who committed crimes against trademarks and patents (PL 333/1999). In addition to that, there is the possibility of deliberating three provisional measures, among them MP 759/2016 on new rules for land regularization.
In the Committee, the Committee on Foreign Relations and National Defense (CREDN) will hold a video conference on Wednesday by Ambassador Roberto Azevêdo, Director-General of the World Trade Organization (WTO), who, directly from Geneva, Switzerland, will explain the following subject: World Trade Organization – recent advances and opportunities for Brazil.
On Thursday, the Committee on Economic Development, Industry, Commerce and Services (CDEICS) will discuss at a public hearing the impacts of high interest rates on inflation, with the participation of Finance Minister Henrique Meirelles; of the President of the Central Bank of Brazil – BACEN, Ilan Goldfajn; the President of the National Bank for Economic and Social Development – BNDES, Paulo Rabello de Castro; and the Secretary of the National Treasury Secretariat – STN, Ana Paula Vescovi.
The Special Committee to discuss Health Plans (PL 7419/2016) will hold two public hearings this week, on Tuesday and Wednesday, with representatives of the Federal Council of Medicine – CFM; the National Agency of Supplementary Health – ANS; the Brazilian Center for Health Studies (CEBES) and the National Association of Private Hospitals (ANAHP).
Also worthy of note is the presence the head of the Ministry of Planning, Budget and Management, Minister Dyogo Oliveira, who is speaking at the Joint Budget Committee on the draft of the Budget Guidelines Law (LDO) of 2018 (PLN 1/17), on Tuesday.
Representatives of the National Congress will participate of this Monday’s meeting of the Mercosur Parliament in Montevideo, Uruguay, where the protocol of Bolivia’s membership in the group is being discussed, as well as border issues.
Finally, there will be meetings of the committees that analyze some of the provisional measures published, like: MP 774/2017, which extinguishes the benefit of the companies’ payroll exemption, are scheduled so far; MP 775/2017, which changes rules for the constitution of guarantees in financial transactions; and MP 778/2017, which provides for the splitting of the social security debt of states and municipalities.
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