The Speech as an instrument to awareness
The Government Affairs professionals are constantly demanded to build sensible speeches. For that to happen, it is necessary to consider the structure with which the speech is built and to which public it is directed.
The Government Affairs professionals are constantly demanded to build sensible speeches. For that to happen, it is necessary to consider the structure with which the speech is built and to which public it is directed.
Considering the speech “as a social bond that cannot be reduced to its simple meaning, but a determined condition to the innumerous possible significations” (2). The group or sector must be successful and clear on representing a cause. It has got to adapt the message to the decision maker and to the public opinion, to succeed on its speech work.
The impact a speech has on the public can influence the decision maker positioning and that is the crucial point for awareness speeches strategic. That’s why it is of great importance the way a matter is approached during a speech. It is evident that the role of those who act on Government Affairs is to assist on the elaboration of matters because “until a matter resonates on the communication ecosystem, it possesses none, or very little importance on social or political spheres.
The speech elaborated by a group or sector aims to increase the degree of awareness with the public opinion and with decision makers through the political demands identification. Therefore, it seeks to develop adherence to the agenda not only with society, but also with decision makers. Still, it is worth emphasizing that “[…] every different expression accepted in society rests in a collective habit or, in the same way, in consonant opinions” (4).
The strategy of Government Affairs should therefore use the media as a “sine qua non” tool to broadcast ideas for several reasons: i) bring awareness to the cause before the social collectivity, being essential to occupy the space because of the existence of multiple social groups; ii) make the cause clear in a favorable way, to ease differentiation with other groups; iii) modify habits and social behaviors as a primary function of public education in relation to the thesis defended; iv) create, maintain and promote the favorable image of the group or sector, with the purpose of increasing the number of supporters; v) sensitize the population on the issues considered most relevant and interesting to the group or sector.
Therefore, the multiple ways of acting on the media and the impossibility of accomplishing all, makes it essential to have action plans (strategies), with the establishment of short, medium and long-term goals; and concrete actions that allow, in an organized and sequential manner, the achievement of the objectives set as a goal. And from my experience, the communication strategy of a group or industry should not dispense an alignment with a strategy of Government Affairs.
Notes and references:
(1) DUNKER, Christian Ingo Lenz. Análise psicanalítica dos Discursos: perspectivas lacanianas. 2a. ed – São Paulo: Estação das Letras e Cores, 2016.
(2) CASTILHO ESPARCIA, Antonio. Lobby & Comunicação: lobismo como estratégia comunicativa. São Caetano do Sul, SP: Difusão Editora, 2013, p. 91
(3) SAUSSURE, Ferdinand. Curso de Linguística Geral. 28.ed – São Paulo: Cultrix, 2012, p. 108
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