The Government’s Super Hero Squad is back again
President Michel Temer´s allies will work together to demonstrate political support in order to convince the Supreme Court that Mr. Temer still have political strength.
The Government’s Super Hero Squad will act this week again. President Michel Temer´s allies will work together to demonstrate political support in order to convince the Supreme Court that Mr. Temer still have political strength. The President is under investigation due to accusations of corruption with Odebrecht related to bids within the Brazilian equivalent to the Federal Aviation Administration (Secretaria de Aviação Civil) and to presidential decrees supposedly created to benefit some companies on ports construction sites. Furthermore, the Government is also willing to counter conflicts among pre-candidates from allied parties of the Planalto.
Corroborating to the political musical chairs, the period for party shifting has begun and on the very first day fifteen congressmen switched from their parties. The period allows the parliamentary to shift parties without being punished or losing their mandate. This season will last until April the 7th and many changes are expected. In this context, it is also expected that all Permanent Committees on the Lower House will be empty until this switch season ends up.
The main theme for this week and probably for the rest of the year is public security. The conversations will focus on priority proposals from the Work Group appointed to debate on this matter. On Tuesday 13th, the attentions will be drawn to the External Commission appointed to debate about the Public Security Intervention working in Rio de Janeiro.
Additionally, we highlight on attendance of the Minister of Health at the Budget Joint Committee to present the provision of accounts related to Brazil’s Unified Public Health System (SUS) on this Tuesday. The Commission will debate on the second and third four-month period analysis on Public Health expenses of the Federal Administration. The minister will soon get off from Ministry to fulfill the condition necessary to run on this year’s general election for Federal Deputy in October.
On the Lower House Plenary, matters of major importance will be in standby until party leaders have a meeting to debate on them. On the Higher House is scheduled for debating: The Bill which proposes to create a Penal Law on feminicide (House of Representatives Bill # 8/2016), The Bill that extinguishes benefits to young criminals (House of Representatives Bill # 140/2017) and other issues regarding public security.
Finally, we highlight the Committee aimed at analyzing Provisional Measures edited by the Government, such as: MP 810/2017, that benefits Technology Companies; MP 816/2017 creating new positions on the State and Federal District Fiscal Debts Supervision Committee.
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