Temer is now the Leader of our Executive Branch
After a long and suffering process President Dilma Rousseff has been voted and according to the Brazilian Constitution Vice-President Temer is now the Leader of our Executive Branch..
After a long and suffering process President Dilma Rousseff has been voted and according to the Brazilian Constitution Vice-President Temer is now the Leader of our Executive Branch.
After Dilma suspension Temer put together a team considering two tears one of Politicians with a long service to the country in different roles and another of politicians linked to the parties that were supporting the impeachment and by consequence his interim government.
The goal for both teams: Make the emergency adjustments to support the country economy crises that came from the fall of Petrobras, Market disfunction, Public Budget melt down and Political Instability.
It was a long, long, long process but still a transition. It was necessary President Dilma, her Party, her supporters and every Brazilian citizen had that right, the right that she had full, even excessive, access to broad defense under the due process of law. And she had it, under the close supervision of a Supreme Court that was almost fully defined by her and her creator President Lula (9 of 11 ministers got their jobs under their ruling).
Not only the Supreme Court, the brazilian society supervised the process that were 100% transmitted by television and 200% microscoped and debated over the Internet. That resulted in a pacific acceptance of the result by 99,99% of the population.
During those difficult times the economy survived, institutions remained and became stronger in front of the public eye, the country worked as usual.
Press, really free press, the Internet, really really free internet, and the market, as free as it can be are vocalizing demands to the until now interim President.
It is crucial that until now we had an Interim Government, by an Interim President with its limitations and obvious interest in becoming definitive.
We just finished the start of President Temer things will change, not all, but many lets restart our expectations from this brand new government.
Rodrigo Alberto Correia da Silva
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