Social Security in Brasilia
The week in Brasilia promises to be of great political negotiations.
The week in Brasilia promises to be of great political negotiations. The Social Security Reform is still without consensus among politicians and is of great importance for the government in its public policies.
The government has assured every vote to make sure that the reform will pass when put to vote in the Chamber of Deputies. The minimum of 308 votes are required for its approval in the House, so it will be deliberated in the Federal Senate, but this battle was postponed to 2018. However, the Government hopes to close 2017, with the text approved in the Chamber, where there is greater polarity of votes. The plan is to put the project to a vote on the 18th.
Corroborating with the negotiations, Carlos Marun (PMDB / MS) joins the main scene. He will take over the Secretariat of Government next Thursday replacing Congressman Antonio Imbassahy (PSDB / BA). The hang around of the toucan in the government was bothering his party, PSDB, that dwells on being in or out the government. Imbassahy also bothered the government base, which always kept an eye on his chair. Marun already has been articulating for a long time in Temer’s mandate and is known as resilient ally on the government shock troops within the Chamber of Deputies; his going to the Executive demonstrates his proximity to Temer and aligns the speech by putting someone from the PMDB, without offending the other parties at the base.
Also this week, in addition to the incessant search for votes, is scheduled, for this Friday the Confaz meeting to discuss validation of tax benefits.
The Congress is holding a session on Tuesday, 12, to analyze presidential vetoes.
The Plenary of the Chamber will continue to deliberate on Bill 7391/17, which deals with the installment of debts rural for producers with INSS regarding contribution to Social Security; and it will also deliberate on the project that creates the National Plan for Reduction of Deaths and Injuries in Traffic (PL 8272/2014); And others included in the meeting of leaders for deliberation.
Regarding the commissions, the Special Committee on Health Plans (PL 7419/2006) may, on Tuesday, vote on the rapporteur impression, Mr Rogério Marinho (PSDB-RN); and the Joint Budget Commission (CMO) that will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday to discuss the Social Security deficit with the Minister of Planning, Mr. Dyogo Oliveira; representative of the National Association of Tax Auditors of the Brazilian Federal Revenue Service (Anfip); and representative of the Court of Auditors of the Union. The CMO, on Thursday, starts voting the final report of Mr Cacá Leão (PP / BA) to the 2018 Union Budget.
In the Senate, the Plenary can conclude the MP’s vote that extends special taxation for the oil and gas sector (MP 795/2017); and also deliberate the MP that extends the term of the Recine (MP 796/2017); as well as the Amendment to the Constitution that establishes a new special regime for the payment of Municipal debts (PEC 45/2017).
In commissions, several of them will evaluate 2017 public policies of the Executive Branch, such as the Social Affairs Commission (CAS) that will evaluate the “Mais Médicos Program” in 2017. In addition to these evaluations, the spontaneous attendance of the Minister of Health, Mr. Ricardo Barros, to explain the treatment of Rare Diseases in Brazil, to the on Social Affairs Commission (CAS) and the Special Subcommittee on Rare Diseases (CASRARAS), on Wednesday.
The Temporary Committee for the Commercial Code Reform (PLS 487/2013) will present its work plan next Wednesday. Recalling that the Committee has Senator Pedro Chaves (PSC/MS) as rapporteur and Senator Fernando Bezerra (PMDB/PE) as president.
In the JBS Joint Parliamentary Committee of Inquiry (CPMI), the final report of Mr Carlos Marun (PMDB / MS) on the commission’s work can be presented. As well as the referrals to be determined commission.
Finally, the meetings of the Committees that analyze some of the edited Provisional Measures. The MP 800/2017, which establishes the guidelines for the reprogramming of investments in federal highway concessions. The MP 806/2017, which changes the taxation of income tax on investments in investment funds. All scheduled for this week.
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