Political Semester
After the end of the second semester of 2018, that was intense for Brazilian politics, it is interesting to observe some figures from this period.
The Brazilian Congress will be in recess for 2 weeks, and Brasilia will have less tension and movements in the city during this period. This will be happening at least for the next 2 months, during election period, once most politicians will stay in their basis targeting their success on October’s elections.
This way, during August and September, the House of Representatives and the Senate will work in some specific weeks to concentrate efforts in Brasilia so they can dedicate more time for Congressmen’s campaigns. Expected working days for the Office: August 7th, 8th, 9th, 28th, 30th, and September 11th,12th, 13th.
Note that the work of Legislative Offices is important for counting deadlines, where deliberative sessions from the Congress are considered.
While August has not arrived, during recess period some Deputies and Senators are chosen to represent the Congress, respecting their party representativity, with some specific objects including 23 Congress people with the power to deliberate regarding withhold of normative rules from the Executive.
However, after the end of the second semester of 2018, that was intense for Brazilian politics, it is interesting to observe some figures from this period where 18 temporary measures were approved, 1 was rejected, and 11 missed the deadline for voting.
Regarding temporary measures, until July 9th the Government enforced 28 measures in total since January, with highlight to the one that institutes the minimum freight policy for road load transportation (MP 832/2018), that was one of the demands of the truck drivers strike at the beginning of May.
Another measure that had great repercussion, enforced in 2017 but lost its validity this year, was the one that authorized the privatization of Eletrobrás Company (MP 814/2017), that after long politic discussions and economic repercussion, was left aside. The Government realized its defeat in this fight but presented a Bill with the same text aiming to return to the subject this year, which can happen after the elections.
Analyzing figures of temporary measures presented, it is a high figure, but still within recent years average. However, it is high compared to the number of measures that lost validity, once those were measures that did not become laws.
The Legislative productivity in this semester, though turbulent, was also within average of other years, and the party window that resulted in party changing lead to lots of movements of ministerial negotiations from both present and future Governments.
The second semester promises to be busy even with few days of action at the Houses in the beginning months because during these days they have to release their work and make campaign in their States, so it is expected activities with no controversial projects. After that, big projects will return, such as the Tax Reform.
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