Pis and Cofins: Brazilian IFRS (Cosit) admits credit in the purchase of chemical products for cleaning production lines and in the treatment of effluents generated by the production line, as required by environmental legislation
The Resolution of Conflit COSIT # 308/2019 clarified that expenditures on the purchase of chemicals for cleaning and maintenance of production lines can be considered as inputs for the purpose of calculating the recovering credits.
In addition, the expenses with the acquisition of chemical products used in the treatment of effluents generated by the production line, as well as the expenses with the contracting of services for analysis of industrial effluents, as required by environmental legislation, fit the concept of input for purposes. calculation of the credit of said contributions.
Said SC COSIT highlights the decision of the STJ in RE 1,221,17/ PR to conclude from the excerpts cited that the central thesis made by the Ministers of the First Chamber of the Superior Court of Justice on the subject under consideration is that “the concept of input must be gauged in the light of the criteria of essentiality or relevance, that is, considering the indispensability or importance of a finished item – good or service – for the development of the economic activity performed by the taxpayer ”.
More information: reginaldo.santos@correiadasilva.com.br
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Advisory and Tax Litigation Nucleus
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