CEF releases version 9 of the Employer Guidance Manual – Monthly and Termination Payments to FGTS and Social Contributions
Caixa Econômica Federal CAIXA, as Agent Operator of the FGTS Working Time Guarantee Fund, in the use of the attributions granted to it by article 7, item II, of Law 8.036 / 90, of May 11, 1990, and according to the Consolidated Regulation of the FGTS, approved by Decree No. 99,684 / 90, dated 11/08/1990, as amended by Decree No. 1,522 / 95, dated 06/13/1995, in accordance with Law No. 9,012 / 95 of 11/03/1995, the Complementary Law 110/01, of 06/29/2001, regulated by the Decrees 3.913 / 01 and 3.914 / 01, of 09/11/2001, and the Complementary Law 150, of 06/01/2001 / 2005, resolves:
1) Publicize the update of the FGTS Monthly and Interim Payments Guidance Manual and the Social Contributions which provides for the relevant procedures for the collection of FGTS, version 9, available at CAIXA website, www.caixa.gov.br, download option FGTS Circulars FGTS BOX 2019.
2) CAIXA Circular # 831 of January 2, 2019, published in DOU Issue No. 006, on January 9, 2019, is hereby revoked.
Recalling that Law # 13932 / 2019 (DOU of 12/12), provides in its art. 12 that from January 1, 2020, the additional 10% contribution to FGTS due in the event of dismissal of employee without cause is extinguished.
More information: reginaldo.santos@correiadasilva.com.br
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