Brasilia’s lack of legislative consensus
Public Security remains the main subject in Brasilia, especially after the death of Rio de Janeiro City’s Councilor, Marielle Franco.
Public Security remains the main subject in Brasilia, especially after the death of Rio de Janeiro City’s Councilor, Marielle Franco. The murder generated many protests throughout the country. Even with a Federal Intervention, the violence in Rio de Janeiro continues to be under the spotlight, so many matters regarding the intervention and Public Security are being contemplated in the Congress.
However, after two weeks that the Bill which created the Extraordinary Ministry for Public Security was delivered to the Congress, the budget is still undefined, and its deliberation is on standby.
The Economic Bills that are considered a priority to the Government, such as the PIS/Cofins tax dismissal, are in standby on the Legislative due to the Public Security theme. There are also other matters listed as a priority after the Federal Intervention, but so far, they have not been yet discussed by the Congress. An example is the Bill on the Federal Agencies Regulation (S 6,621/2016), that still has no rapporteur. That demonstrates the Governments lack of consensus and how every other week, new matters are taken as priority.
This week, the highlight is on the Lower House Floor. The House of Representatives will deliberate on the Bill that creates a Public System for Public Security (SUSP) (H.R. 3,734/2012).
On the Special and Temporary Commissions, the highlights are the meeting of the Working Group on Public Security and the External Commission to Discuss the Public Security Intervention in Rio Janeiro. Both will take place this Tuesday, March 20th. Besides that, on the same day, the Special Commission on the Bill for a New Bidding Law (H.R. 6,814/17) will take place as a Public Hearing. It seems as possible that the following names attend the hearing: The Minister of Planning, Dyogo Oliveira; The Secretary of Project Coordination of the Special Secretariat for the Partnership and Investment Program, Tarcísio Gomes de Freitas; The Executive Director of the Transport and Infrastructure National Department (DNIT), Halpher Luiggi Mônico Rosa.
On the Higher House, Public Security has been lined up between the Floor and the Committees. The Senate tends to deliberate throughout the week on the Bill that reintroduces the criminological exam and extends the minimal period in prison to switch from one regime to another (S 499/2015); Also, the Bill that amends the Criminal Code and the Code of Criminal Procedure, extinguishing penal procedure benefits for underage criminals (H.R. 140/2017), among other issues.
On Wednesday 21th, the Senate Floor will debate on “Fake News”. It was invited for the debate The Senate Social Communication Committee President, Murilo Aragão; The International Relations Vice-President of Grupo Globo, Paulo Tonet Camargo; General-Director of the Folha de São Paulo (newspaper) in Brasília, Leandro Colon; The Federal Prosecutor in the Federal District and President of the Brazilian Institute of Digital Rights, Frederico Ceroy; The Digital Security Consultant, Daniel Nascimento; and The President of the Institute for the Development of the Journalism – PROJOR, Ângela Pimenta.
Finally, we point out the Joint Committee meeting to analyse Provisional Measures enacted by the Executive; MP 809/2017, creating a fund for environmental compensations; MP 810/2017, benefitting Tech Companies; MP 811/2017 ammending the law that created a Public Company specialized on managing the oil products obtained from the Pre-Sal; MP 814/2017, easing Eletrobrás privatization terms; and MP 815/2017, authorizing emergency budget credit to Municipalities.
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