Brasilia is calm even upon President’s complaint
The situation in Brasilia even with the new accusation against President Michel Temer is of tranquility. The government is safe with the appreciation of the complaint for obstruction of justice and criminal organization that should be read on Monday in the Chamber of Deputies.
The situation in Brasilia even with the new accusation against President Michel Temer is of tranquility. The government is safe with the appreciation of the complaint for obstruction of justice and criminal organization that should be read on Monday in the Chamber of Deputies.
Even if the complaint involves more of Temer’s ministers, (Moreira Franco and Eliseu Padilha), the charge will not be divided and should have only one rapporteur in the Commission of Constitution, Justice and Citizenship (CCJC) in the Chamber of Deputies, that should be chosen on upcoming s Tuesday, April 26th. Approved or not in the Commission, the complaint goes to the Plenary of the House. For its admissibility, it must have at least 342 votes – a number that doesn’t scare the Government since the situation in comparison to the first complaint is more favorable to Temer, who has been closer to his base in recent weeks. He also narrowed relationship with the PSDB Party of São Paulo.
While the Chamber is addressing the complaint, Michel Temer is expected to launch the “Progredir” Program on Tuesday, which will offer professional qualification courses, assist on job selection and opportunities, and provide R$ 3 billion in microcredit for low-income families.
In addition to the complaint, in the Chamber of Deputies, the Political Reform that ends the coalitions in the elections for deputies and councilors from 2020. It also establishes a barrier clause for public party fund. Time of radio and TV (PEC 282/2016) remains on the agenda. However, the rapporteur of the matter, Deputy Vicente Cândido (PT / SP), will present a new proposal for the creation of a public fund to pay for the campaigns, maximum expenses for each position and limits for donations of individuals – argument points and disagreements among the leaders.
It is also expected that the Plenary will decide on the Provisional Measure (MP 783/2017), which allows the payment of debts to the Union, both individuals and legal entities (Refis), later this week.
A General Committee to debate the Tax Reform, which has Luiz Carlos Hauly (PSDB / PR) as rapporteur, will take place on Thursday, the 28th.
Among the commissions, we highlight the audience of the Special Commission of Technological Innovation of Health on Tuesday that will discuss innovation in local production for Radiology and Image Examinations. It will include the presence of representatives for the Brazilian Industrial Research and Production Company – EMBRAPII.
Also noteworthy, the public hearing on Tuesday of the Committee on Financial Control (CFFC) that will discuss “the problems widely reported in the media about health plans, especially the fact that members are forced to look for the Unified Health System (SUS). It will count on the participation of the Executive Secretary for the Health Ministry, Mr. Antonio Nardi; the Deputy Sector Director for Development of ANS, Mr. Daniel Meirelles Pereira; of the president of Fenasaúde, Ms. Solange Beatriz Palheiro Mendes; and the representative of Protest, Mr. Henrique Lian.
In the Senate, the Plenary continues without major changes regarding projects to be deliberated. We highlight the project that establishes the Special Fund for Campaign Financing (PLS 206/2017) and the proposal establishing the National Fund for the Development of Public Security PEC 24/2012).
Regarding the commissions, there will be great tension in the Commission of Technology, Innovation, Communication and Computer (CCT) that on Tuesday must deliberate a project that disciplines the private transportation service (PLC 28/2017). Due to the deliberation of this project, protests from taxi drivers and individual transportation companies are expected in Brasilia. On the same day, the Minister of Mines and Energy, Fernando Coelho Filho, will participate in a public hearing at the Infrastructure Committee to discuss the recent Eletrobras’ privatization announcement.
In the Committee on Economic Affairs (CAE) will hold a hearing on Wednesday of the Working Group on Microeconomic Reforms, with the theme: contribution of the productive sector and government to the microeconomic reforms; it will be attended by the Head of the Special Advisory for Reform Mr. João Manoel Pinho de Mello; the Executive Director of the Group of Applied Tax Studies – GETAP; Ms. Zabetta Macarini; the Secretary of Foreign Trade Substitute of the Ministry of Industry, Foreign Trade and Services – MDIC; Mr. Renato Agostinho da Silva; and the Director of Policies and Strategy for the Industry National Confederation (CNI); Mr. José Augusto Coelho.
The Joint Parliamentary Committee of Inquiry (CPMI) for JBS will meet twice this week, one of which will be held by the lawyer of the JBS Group, Mr. Willer Tomaz de Souza and the Public Prosecutor, Mr. Angelo Goulart Villela, who was accused of acting as a spy in the Greenfield Task Force and of receiving bribery from the JBS company.
Finally, the committees’ meetings scheduled so far are some of the provisional measures published as MP 789/2017, which amends Financial Compensation for the Mining of Mineral Resources (CFEM) legislation; MP 790/2017, which expands the search time and requires environmental responsibility of the miner; and MP 791/2017, which created the National Mining Agency – ANM.
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