Brasilia drawing up destinies
The focus of the next three days in Brasilia will be the complaint against President Michel Temer in the Commission of Constitution and Justice (CCJC) of the Chamber of Deputies.
After last weeks’ roughness due to the Political Reform and its sanction, the focus of the next three days in Brasilia will be the complaint against President Michel Temer in the Commission of Constitution and Justice (CCJC) of the Chamber of Deputies. The reduced week, due to the holiday on Thursday, will accelerate the works, as the rapporteur, Mr Bonifacio de Andrada (PSDB/MG), who, in his previous complaint against the President, was in favor of the continuity of the process.
Another highlight is the judgment of the Federal Supreme Court (STF) on the Direct Action of Unconstitutionality (ADIN, in the acronym in Portuguese) that asks for the Courts’ consideration on the possibility for Congress review, in up to 24 hours, of any alternative precautionary measure imposed on deputies and senators, as a mandate and home collection (ADI 5526). Recalling that the decision on the suspension of Senator Aécio Neves (PSDB/MG) by the Plenary of the Federal Senate was postponed, after an agreement to wait for the decision of the STF decision on the matter.
In the Chamber, there is a session scheduled for this Monday, 09, in order to expedite the deliberation deadline of the complaint against President Temer and his Ministers in the House Commission of Constitution and Justice, since the term is accounted for by the sessions held by the Plenary. However, with the next holiday and the absence of some parliamentarians who will attend the meeting of the Mercosur Parliament in Uruguay, there is a possibility that the quorum will be harmed this week.
In the agenda of the Plenary, projects of great importance, like the one that regulates the lobby activity in the country (PL 1202/2007) are scheduled for this week and can be deliberated. We also highlight the draft resolution of the House that deals with the filing of proposals at the end of the legislature (PRC 190/2001), and a project that regulates rights and obligations related to industrial property (PL 333/1999). Recalling that, in addition to obtaining quorum, there is a need for consensus among leaders to discuss matters.
Meanwhile, the government continues to meet with deputies seeking support in the complaint. This week, as mentioned before, the presentation of the judgement in the Committee on Constitution and Justice (CCJC) by Mr Bonifácio de Andrada (PSDB/MG), which, even after numerous protests by his party against Bonifácio remaining as a rapporteur, he remained in position.
The commissions this week will focus their work on Tuesday, 10th. We highlight the public hearing of the Commission of Science, Technology, Communication and Information Technology (CCTCI) on the budget of science and technology, its cuts and the consequences for the development of the country. Representatives of the following entities were invited for this discussion: the Brazilian Society for the Advancement of Science (SBPC); the Brazilian Academy of Sciences (ABC); the National Council of State Secretaries for Science, Technology and Innovation Affairs (Consecti); the National Council of State Foundations of Support to Research (Confap); the Brazilian Association of Technological Research and Innovation Institutions (Abipti); the National Association of Leaders of Federal Institutions of Higher Education (Andifes); the National Confederation of Industry (CNI); the National Council of Foundations to Support Institutions of Higher Education and Scientific and Technological Research (Confies); the Brazilian Association of Rectors of State and Municipal Universities (Abruem); the Knowledge Without Cuts campaign and the Association of National Technological Development and Innovation Companies (R & D Brazil).
On Tuesday, the Minister of Labor and Employment, Mr. Ronaldo Nogueira, will attend the Committee on Financial Control and Control (CFFC) to discuss projects and the main actions of the portfolio for the biennium 2017/2018.
On Wednesday, there will be a public hearing of the Joint Budget Commission (CMO) with the Minister of Planning, Development and Management, Mr. Dyogo Henrique de Oliveira, which will provide clarification on the 2018 budget.
In the Senate, some aspects of Political Reform remain on the agenda, as a project establishing the mixed district vote in proportional elections (PLS 345/2017); and the proposed amendment to the Constitution that establishes that members of the Electoral Court may not have had party affiliation in the two years preceding the inauguration or the beginning of function the exercise (PEC 4/2017). Also noteworthy is the deliberation of the proposal on the validation of administrative acts (PEC 48/2015); and for the proposal establishing the National Fund for the Development of Public Security (PEC 24/2012).
In the committees, we emphasize the public hearing on Tuesday in the Committee on Economic Affairs (CAE) to discuss the guidelines, implementation and future prospects of monetary policy, with the presence of Mr. Ilan Goldfajn, President of the Central Bank of Brazil.
The CAE, on the same day, will hold a meeting with the nominees to occupy positions on the Administrative Council of Economic Defense – CADE, an organ of the Ministry of Justice and Public Security. Those who will be heard are: CADE’s Counselor, Ms. Pollyana Ferreira Silva Vilanova (Message 56/2017), and the person appointed to become Superintendent-General, Mr. Alexandre Cordeiro Macedo (Message 55/2017). Recalling that, after the meeting, the names must be approved by the Commission by secret ballot, so that they can ho, only then, to the Plenary, where they will go through a new vote and then be appreciated by the Presidency.
The JBS Joint Parliamentary Committee of Inquiry (CPMI) will meet this Tuesday to hear the former head of the Capital Markets Department of BNDES, Mr. José Cláudio Rego Aranha; and the former president of Caixa Econômica Federal, Mrs. Maria Fernanda Ramos Coelho.
Finally, meetings of the committees that analyze some of the provisional measures published are scheduled for this week, like: MP 785/2017, which reshapes the Student Financing Fund (Fies); MP 787/2017, which authorizes expropriation in João Neiva/ES; MP 789/2017, which amends legislation on Financial Compensation for the Exploration of Mineral Resources – CFEM; MP 793/2017, which authorizes the renegotiation of Funrural and reduces the contribution rate; MP 795/2017, on new taxation of the oil sector; and MP 796/2017, which extends the deadline for the use of Special Taxation Regime for the Development of the Cinematographic Viewing Activity (Recine) until December 31st of this year.
About The Author
Category: GOVERNMENT RELATIONS, Heloisa Rodrigues Itacaramby Bessa
Tags: brasilia, correia dasilva advogados, csa, government fear, government relations, temerPosted in: 19/06/2019