All eyes on Temer in Brasilia
In what is considered the last week of the Legislative Semester’s work, the spotlight will be on the deliberation of the denunciation for the crime of passive corruption against the President of the Republic, Michel Temer.
In what is considered the last week of the Legislative Semester’s work, the spotlight will be on the deliberation of the denunciation for the crime of passive corruption against the President of the Republic, Michel Temer, within the framework of the Constitution, Justice and Citizenship Commission (CCJC, in the acronym in Portugues) of the Chamber of Deputies. In addition to that, the political upheaval is great, as the vote on the Congressional Draft Law on Budgetary Guidelines (LDO) is also expected, so that the mid-year Congressional break is made feasible.
The report by Deputy Sérgio Zveiter (PMDB/RJ), who is considered independent by Temer’s party, is awaited on Monday at the Commission meeting. The rapporteur has already said that his text will be succinct and objective, and there are big bets that his vote will be for the acceptance of the complaint agains the President. This would worsen the situation of the government, because, even if the final word is from the House Plenary, the political damages would be significant.
After reading the report, all members of the CCJC can speak for 15 minutes, non-members for 10 minutes, and leaders can speak at any time without delimitation of time. Considering that there is still the possibility of requesting extra time for the examination of the case records, it is expected that the deliberation in committee will end on Friday (14th).
Meanwhile, Temer met with party leaders on Sunday, seeking to strengthen his support base within the Congress and discussing possible strategies for action.
Even with Temer’s rush to accelerate the process, the President of the House, Deputy Rodrigo Maia (DEM/RJ), has already said that the deliberation in the Plenary of the complaint should happen only in August. We also recall that the government can still go through an impeachment process, since the requests have not yet been rejected by Maia in the House of Representatives.
The deterioration of the government is even more worrying with the arrest of the former minister of the Government Secretariat, Geddel Vieira Lima, and with the possibility of a plea bargain made by the former President of the House, Eduardo Cunha. Both of them are considered people of Temer’s inner circle.
Other highlights this week are the deliberation, by the National Congress, this Wednesday, of the Bill of Budgetary Guidelines, which, if approved, allows the parliamentary recess to start on the 18th; and also the vote in the Plenary of the Federal Senate of Labor Reform (PLC 38/2017).
Also in the Chamber of Deputies, we highlight in the Plenary the possible deliberation of three provisional measures, among them MP 775/2017, which allows the granting of financial assets to foreigners. We also highlight the project on measures to prevent and repress smuggling (PL 1530/2015) and the project to increase penalties for persons committing trademark and patent crimes (PL 333/1999). We emphasize that the proposal for a constitutional amendment that changes the procedure for assessing Provisional Measures by the National Congress (PEC 70/2011) and the bill on lobby regulation (PL 1202/2007) continue on the agenda.
In the Legislative Committees, the Committee on Labor, Administration and Public Service (CTASP) will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, 11, to discuss the subject: “Regulatory Agency empowered, balanced market”, with the Minister of Planning , Dyogo Oliveira; and representatives of the Agency such as ANVISA, ANCINE, ANEEL, ANATEL.
The subject of innovation and industry 4.0 will be discussed in the Special Commission on the Treatment and Protection of Personal Data (PL 4060/2012), on Wednesday, 12, with the presence of the Brazilian Association of Software Companies (ABES) and the Brazilian Association Of the Electrical and Electronic Industry (ABINEE).
In the Senate, as mentioned before, the focus will be the Labor Reform that is on the agenda in the Plenary. The government has carefully monitored this deliberation, so that there will be no surprises such as what happened at the Social Affairs Committee (CAS), when the bill was rejected by 10 votes against 9. In addition to the opposition, some members of the Temer basis are opposed to the proposal, as the former leader of the PMDB, Senator Renan Calheiros (PMDB/AL), who whenever possible talks about the subject.
Also in the Plenary, we highlight among the projects for deliberation the Project for a Bill that validates the normative acts of tax benefits and grants remission and amnesty of tax credits referring to the tax on the circulation of goods and services – ICMS, a sort of VAT tax (PLS 130/2015).
In the Commissions, on Wednesday, the 12, there will be a careful assessment of the appointment to the Attorney General of the Republic, Raquel Elias Ferreira Dodge, in the Commission of Constitution and Justice (CCJ). Dodge will replace Rodrigo Janot, whose term ends this September.
Also in the Senate, on Tuesday, the Commission for Science, Technology, Innovation, Communication and Information Technology (CCT) will discuss in public hearing the current situation of Brazilian science, and the recent budget cut of 44% in this strategic area, with the presence of Ministry of Science and Technology (MCTIC); the Brazilian Society for the Advancement of Science (SBPC) and the National Council of Foundations to Support Institutions of Higher Education and Scientific and Technological Research (CONFIES).
The session of the Congress that will take place next Wednesday, 12, will discuss the LDO and may also deliberate the presidential vetoes.
Finally, there are meetings of the Committees scheduled that analyze some of the provisional measures published, like MP 776/2017, which authorizes changes in birth registration and marriage registration; MP 777/2017, which creates a new rate for BNDES contracts; MP 778/2017, on installments of debts with the National Institute of Social Security – (INSS); MP 780/2017, which establishes the Regularization Program of non-tax related debts (PRD); MP 781/2017, on Penitentiary Fund; and MP 784/2017, that establishes the new Tax Regularization Program.
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