New year, same concerns and negotiations in Brasilia
The year begins with the government’s concern on having only six weeks to reach the necessary amount of votes for the Social Security Reform.
The year begins with the government’s concern on having only six weeks to reach the necessary amount of votes for the Social Security Reform, and the vote due to February, 19th.
With little time and full Congress recess, the government uses parliamentary amendments as a negotiation tool to obtain votes. However, even with such a bargain, the government does not see itself in a favorable position, since the matter has its resistances, especially in election year. The negotiations are still intense and the meetings of President Michel Temer and the Secretary of the Government, Carlos Marun with the parliamentarians continue.
It is important to emphasize that Temer goes through a delicate period of his health, due to a suspicion of a urinary infection, and due to his condition, the President spent the New Year’s Eve in Brasilia. After three surgeries in less than two months, Temer who would have had his official agenda in Asia canceled the trip due to medical recommendations. However, this does not prevent him from continuing to receive parliamentarians and articulating strategies for the Reform.
Meanwhile, parliamentarians work on their bases, seeking to articulate this year’s elections, which will have shorter campaign time, starting on August.
About The Author
Category: GOVERNMENT RELATIONS, Heloisa Rodrigues Itacaramby Bessa
Tags: brasilia, correia dasilva advogados, csa, government relationsPosted in: 14/06/2019